Learn from others' mistakes

Improve your language skills by learning from how we corrected others.

Hi Dr Rola,

It was a pleasure talking to you yesterday.

As promised
, I am sending you a few points that we discussed in the meeting to share with ZVH team:

Social media content: The social media content can be improved based on ZVH requirements. With the support of ZVH, we can create lifestyle

hankThank you for getting back to me so quickly, I appreciate it. iI am not close to getting any other offers at this time as. Catalent is number one on my list due to the fact that the QA Specialist-OTF position is a position iI believe iI will excel in. After speaking with the hiring team last week, I think.....


Creatio delivers you licenses, thus to proceed with the license contract we need the full information
• legal name
• legal address
if any(if any)
• customer designated representative
• billing contact

Evoqia is the implementation partner
, - Tom will be able to cover all the technical de.....

I write to appeal for a resit of CSCM 12J as I believe the result is not a true reflection of myself, and the situation surrounding the resit hindered my performance. Rejecting this could hinder/discourage a prospective scholar like me from showing his true attributes and worth.
As of February, when

Venez me soutenir via mon lien support.link. Mais support.link, ques cequ'est-ce que c'est ? ilIl s'agit d'un nouveau lien de partage vers le contenu d'un créateur (post instagram, vidéo youtube etc.). enEn passant par ce lien tu as la posibilitépossibilité de faire un don pour soutenir le créateur ou de devenir promote.....

1. Der Mann konnte den Brief nicht lesen, dennweil er seine Brille vergessen hatte.
2.Deutschland grenzt
mitan viele Länder.
DaWenn die Rechnung ankommtkommt, wird sie gleich bezahlt.
WenWem gratulieren Sie mit demzum Geburtstag?
5.Kann ich

Ich weiß nicht genau, wo
wohnt er jetztjetzt wohnt.
Ich finde diese Fahrt
zunach Ameri.....

E qui parlerò di me, vorrei il miotrovare un lavoro dopo aver finito gli studi adesso, e dopo aver finito gli studi universitari,quando finirò l'università vorrei fare l'ingegnere per i disegnie specializzarmi in design e le decorazioni, perché questala professione è di mio padre, e io l'ho. L'ho sempre visto lavorareammirato mentre lavorava e dipingere,dipingeva e ho visto il successo che ha ottenuto, ed eil che mi ha .....

Dear sir/madamSir/Madam,

My name is Antoine Deeb,
and I am from Syria, and I am 30 years old.
I saw your advertisement during my job search and found it a suitable opportunity to enter the labor market.
I have very good English, and I am currently learning German (A2), in addition to my mother tongue, Arabic.

Time management is an indispensable characteristic, as time is the most precious thing that a person possesses in his life, as it. Time is not measured by money, but rather by what a person achieves in his life, and therefore a person must take advantage of every moment in his life to accomplish what he deserves and m.....

My first goal for placement is that I want to become a more confident ECE. This goal is important because having confidence it connects many positive things, such as joy, success, reward, and the desire for me to learn more. Most importantly, it creates a professional spirit for me to embrace. My secon.....

Actuellement étudiante en Master 1 Sciences du langage, je souhaiterais postuler pour le stage de 2 mois dans le cadre du projet sur la Lisibilité des reformulations médicales au Laboratoire LiLPa UR 1339 (Linguistique, Langues, Parole) à l'Université de Strasbourg.

En tant qu'étudiante en Science

Le chitosane (CS) est un bio-polymèresdes biopolymères les plus abondants dans la nature avec des propriétés supérieures telles que la biocompatibilité, la biodégradabilité, l'absence de toxicité, l'activité antimicrobienne, l'accélération de la cicatrisation des plaies et la stimulation du système immunitaire. .....

Bonjour Galaad, j’espère que tu vas bien ?

Je me
permetpermets de faire un petit point rapide dans ce mail concernant mon ACC010 avec Mhamed la semaine dernière et la suite à venir au seinssein de l’équipe.

Mhamed me félicite pour mon sérieux au
seinssein de la formation, nous avons pu faire un point sur mon tab.....

J'apprécie l'outil pour son aspect corporate ; nous avons enfin des e-mails à l'image de la marque Orange.
Netmail, en ce qui me concerne, Netmail est un calvaire est je. Je vais vous expliquer mon cas de tous les joursquotidien.
Je travaille au
Centrecentre de Productionproduction de Toulouse, où nous avons fait le choix récementrécemment de.....

Buenas tardes, Camaleones.:

Os escribo para daros buenas noticias
, por. Por fin ya no tenemos que utilizar más vouchervouchers de barcos para poder venderlos. Esto es mucho mejor para nosotros ya que podemos vender si o si y menos papel que se gasta. Os explico en qué evento debemos meter la reserva.

Lo primer

During the winter, Villa Làrio prepared a range of seasonal offers for internal guests, tourists staying in the Lake Como area and “locals”.
Villa Làrio, a luxury property in Pognana Lario, on Lake Como, for the second year runn

Hi @Enrique Preciado,

• One Round of testing is completed in QA Env
• For Types like New, Copy, Update, Fast Track vendor working as expected
(Positive Cases)
• For Negative Cases like

 “Awaiting TCS Resolution Queue”
 TCS CONFIRMED HIT” actions not working as per expected

How toTo Apply For employment onlineEmployment Online — Tips For Newbies

Freelancing is another
factoroption for the skilled exchange of labor. or comes on freelancingThere are websites for folks that are findingto find freelance jobs online. ObtainingOnce connected, discussingfreelancers discuss the project details and if eachboth the leaderclient and also the freelance worker agreesagree, the chargecost.....

My name is Isabelle Turner, and I am a 9th-grade IB student. I have high-frequency hearing loss in both of my ears, which requires hearing aids and an IEP. Over the course of my education, I have had sovery many positive experiences with former teachers, being understanding and willing to help myselfme learn.....

Blanca buenas tardes , me pasaron mis compañeros del Callcenter su correo para que le mandara presupuesto de los dos muebles de Kyrya que solicitaba. Le adjunto dicho presupuesto haciendo un par de apuntes sobre el mismo ,: en el mueble del baño 1 no hay dudas, pero en leel mueble del baño 2 he hecho la .....

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