- Lack of hygiene items
- The
shewish thatperson who is helping Caritas is travelling this week.
- Based on the complaints of the detainees and their increased need of AINS and Paracetamol related to flu symptoms, it seems there is an
Influenzainfluenza epidemic in the men building atin the detention center.
- A
28 Years old28-year-old Sudanese detainee presented increased thirst and dry mouth with increased urination at night and weight loss. He was seen by the physician, who requested a blood test for glycemia. The results showed that the detainee has diabetes. Dr. Aoude was contacted by phone as soon as we were informed aboutof the results. He prescribed oral medication, but he requested further blood tests in order to determine whether the patient has type 1 or 2 diabetes in order to give the appropriate medication. The blood tests requested are not available at the GS Laboratory nor at the usual hospitals we deal with (Nawfal, Al Hayat, Al Machrek), whowhich were contacted. Dr. Aoude was informed but he insisted on the tests and did not give any solutions. Dr. Pamela was contacted and suggested to contactcontacting Jeitawi Hospital. They have the tests but there is a difference in cost is needed. They still did not answertell me how much it costs: A Messagemessage was sent via WhatsApp as they requested. The answer is still pending.
- A
Licelice problem emerged (2 girls atin room 3) and anti-lice shampoo was given to them.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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