What Makes A Quality Proofreading Service?

In the past it might have only been students that were familiar with proofreading services but now more and more people are casually integrating them into their lives. There is no doubt that when sending a professional email such as a job application or a first introduction that spelling, grammar and punctuation are of utmost importance. It can make the difference between getting an interview or not getting an interview. With so many different services out there on the web, it can be confusing at times deciding who to put your trust in. If you do some simple research you will less likely to be scammed out of your money by an inferior or imposter company. So what actually makes a quality proofreading service?

There is no doubt that if you type into Google “free grammar checker” or “free proofreading service” that millions of results will be displayed in front of you, all promising to quickly and professionally correct your texts often for no (or a small) amount of money. This is where you need to ask yourself...will my text be read by human eyes or will it be put through an automated computer grammar checker? This is a very important detail as online grammar checkers will not pick up on all of the mistakes that a native speaking professional proofreader will. Human eyes will pick up on the intention behind the text and make sure that the words are used in the correct way, it is practically impossible for a computer to be able to replicate this.

Ok so you have found a company that is offering real people to sift through your work but how do you know that they are qualified? There is no real way to know but looking at the price range is a good indicator. Remember that someone is being paid to correct your work and that those on a professional level will not accept little or no money for their time. On a budget? Don’t worry...there are companies out there that manage to offer quality for a limited budget. eAngel (eangel.me) for example, innovatively charges according to number of mistakes and not simply the number of words. This enables the customer to pay for just what was needed and the proofreader to be paid according to the time and effort they spent working on the text. Both sides are happy and quality is not compromised. If the price seems too good to be true then it could mean that the proofreader is unqualified or inexperienced, meaning you have wasted your time and money.

When sending material to be proofread don’t forget that you are entrusting the proofreader with the material. You wouldn’t want anyone to steal your work, ideas or personal information so check the website for a confidentiality agreement. What will happen to your work after it has been corrected? Have the staff signed an agreement swearing to confidentiality? Even if the website looks legitimate and professional that doesn’t mean that the service is, reading the small print shouldn’t be overlooked. Maybe something you didn’t think about before but security should definitely be considered. Quality proofreading services will be clear with their privacy arrangement and won’t leave you guessing.

Still unsure? Take a moment to search for a review from a previous user of the site. If something illegitimate is going on it should become apparent. Even if you are in a hurry to have your paper reviewed the day before it’s due make sure you don’t run to the first and cheapest site that comes up. Do your research and you will reap the benefits of a truly great proofreading service. Quality, professional level companies will not be too cheap, will have qualified staff and will have a confidentiality agreement. Don’t be fooled by the many imposters that there are out there.

Have a look at our next article about how to enhance your writing using online text correction.



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eAngel.me is a human proofreading service that enables you to correct your texts by live professionals in minutes.