Learn from others' mistakes

Improve your language skills by learning from how we corrected others.

was das Schloss angeht, war es nicht das erste Mal, dass ich den entsprechenden Schrank abschließe, und ich weiß genau, wie es funktioniert.

Aber gestern habe ich den Schrank offen vorgefunden und als ich versucht habe, ihn abzuschließen, hat es nicht funktioniert.

Wahrscheinlich konnte ein/e Koll

After visiting three different salons, I was able to pick out some differences and similarities between them. Each visit held a different experience, all were good, some more professional than others. Each salon was designed differently, and each was run differently.
My first visit was at a local ba

Find and correct the five mistakes in the text.

I'm in my twenties now, but I kept a diary on and off since I was fourteen. What I like best about a diary is that, unlike a blog, nobody but you will ever read it. That means you can be completely honest in it! The other day, I found one of my diarie

J'ai écouté les 2 ventes 1/ numeronuméro de tel 0667947323 , indice

de fiche : 52948717. Cliente chez Bouygues pour le mobile et, elle a une coupure d'internet suite à un retard de paiement. et aussi elleElle paye très cher, agentl’agent a annoncé que c'est à cause de retard de paiement que la ligne va couperelleêtre coupée.Il propose s.....

Bonjour MrM. Bourneuf,

J’espère que ce mail vous
trouvetrouvera en bonne santé.

J’ai essayé de vous joindre au téléphone ce matin afin d’avoir plus de détails par rapport
à votre besoin.

Le pentium est un processeur qui n’est plus d’actualité, il est remplacé par le Core i3 comme équivalent.

J’aurais be

Hola, profe,
Alicia de Guía de 2º, lo primero de todo disculpa escribirte el fin de semana.
queríaQuería comentarte que llevo toda la mañana enganchada al Quizlet de la app, para practicar vocabulario para el examen y tengo que decirte que me encanta. De hecho, como me pedía iniciar sesión para pract.....

To: Bob Pope
From: Gabrielle Mendes
Subject: Job?

Hey Bob, We talked a couple weeks back at the chamber of commerce event. (I was the one looking for a summer internship and had a zit on my lip that could have passed for a cold soar. Lol. Whew. It was not.

You’re probably like, “uh.. What?” Maybe t.....

Hola, gusto en saludarle, señor Héctor Saldia, mi. Mi nombre es Luis Vargas Flores, residente ende la comuna de pencoPenco.
Y meMe presento comentandolepara comentarle que trabajo realizando limpiezas en diferentes puntos de la región.
Mi trabajo es hacer retiros de acumulaciones de pallets
sin costo alguno .
cuentoCuento con un es.....

To: Roger M. Karjala
<r.m.karjala@firstbank.com>From: Keiko Kurtz
OneOn Ways to Improve Customer Relations

Mr. Karjala,

Because of the fact that you asked for suggestions on how to improve customer relations, I am submitting my idea. I am writing you this message to le

TiO2, a well-known catalyst, offers several advantages, such as non-toxicity, exceptional chemical durability, and favorable photocatalytic activity, especially in the degradation of organic contaminants in industrial effluents. It has been extensively employed in environmental protection. However, .....

Thank you so much for looking at my project overview,. I really appreciate your initial insights!
I think what I'm looking for revision wise is first and foremost your general opinion of my work (i.e.
, what stands out to you, what works, what doesn't). This does not need to be poem by poem,. I'm just.....


Thank you for your message, we hope you will enjoy your stay.
We are glad that the internet works. If everything suits you in this matter, we can add PLN 69 to the fees from next month. Will this suit you?

Can we ask about the cost of cleaning? We would like to compensate you somehow


The unpredictable pandemic of twenty-nine wreaked havoc on the health and economic systems worldwide. Global economies suffered as they struggled to cope with all the ramifications induced by COVID-19. The economies of highly developed countries were severely affected. However, smaller developing na.....

Monster Cone Crafts
Materials: Colored paper, double-sided tape, stickers

1. Make a cone shape and
putadd some double-sided tape. https://youtu.be/p-SPyqbXAuQ

2. Prepare for
the eyes, nose, teeth, mouth, etc.

*put some
tapestape at the back to make it easier to stick during the lesson.

3. Prepare a set

Managing a project effectively encompasses not only technical aspects but also the intricate realm of human factors. This evaluation delves into the human aspects of managing the project, with a particular focus on HR plan, risk management, change management, and stakeholder management. These aspect.....

Hello Delise and David,

I wanted to introduce myself, my. My name is Tammy and I am the team administrator for Piers Braaten., Justin Loncaric, and the JL Realty Group.

I wanted to sendam sending a confirmation of your evaluation appointment for Saturday, October 16th at 1:00 pm with Piers, this. This will be approximat.....

Hola profe, buenas tardes. Profe disculpeDisculpe por molestarlo es que le queria. Le quería preguntar si hay alguna posibilidad o alguna opción para hacer algo con mi nota del quiz para poder mejorarla un poco. PasaLo que pasa es que me sabiasabía casi todos los conceptos, pero lo que paso es que no calculecalculé bien el tiempo ye hice las respuestas muy largas,......

The chart provides information about the number of disabled children who enrolled in a special education school in Vietnam between 1995 and 2010. In general, the number of handicap studentdisabled students in ABC school and North school increased sharply over the periodsthis period, while there was a dip in two other schoolschools.....

5 in 1 Luftqualitätsmonitor Innenraum-CO2-Detektor
Eröffnen Sie sich einen gesünderen Lebensstil mit sofortigen Lufteinblicken!
Sie können aufatmen, denn Ihre Luft wird ständig überwacht. Schädliche Schadstoffe werden erkannt, bevor Sie
ihreIhre Auswirkungen spüren. Sie erhalten zeitnahe Warnungen auf I.....

As a first time homebuyer, with anda lack of knowledge and still on a learning journey, I Noticednoticed my mortgage kept increasing over the years. I didn’t quite understand why or where the increases were coming from. whenWhen I noticed it was my property tax, I applyapplied for a Homestead discount which I was approv.....

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