I am writing to express my keen interest in applying for the Ph.D. program in Political Science at Texas Tech University. Politics and International Relations have always captivated me. Since childhood, I have been fascinated by the constantly changing world that we live in, wanting to understand and explore the causes and effects of current and future human interactions. Government and politics are two main issues that directly affect our daily lives, and that is the main reason why this field is important to me. My insatiable passion for political sciences, particularly international relations, and my ever-growing desire to expand the bandwidth of my knowledge in this dynamic field is beyond academia, and extremely lies in understanding how different countries of the world interact with each other from a political point of view.
In order to fulfill my high goals, I participated in a competitive nationwide entrance exam for BA studies and got a valuable quota for entering the Imam Khomeini International University. Showing top-notch performance in the university courses and being ranked in the top 10% of undergraduate alumni of Political Sciences Department, I became qualified for
the Exceptional Talents Scholarship and could pursue my master’s studies in Political Sciences at the university directly without any entrance exam. My academic excellence is reflected in my high GPA (in Bachelor and Master) and multiple honors, such as ranking first among my peers during both undergraduate and graduate studies (all listed in my CV). Beyond my academic achievements, I also have gained significant research experience. These experiences have not only enhanced my understanding of the subject matter but have also reinforced my desire to continue contributing to academic communities.

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