Hello everyoneEveryone, asAs you all know that our anniversary is getting close we have to prepereprepare all of us for the duties of the day. theThe chief organiserorganizer in no time will send the list of the members who will help serve or welcome our guseguests that day. But before then, if you want to volunteer or want to donate something for this great occasion, you can do that by telling us what you will do or bring, and the forty sistersisters will appricietappreciate it. Remember my sister that this anniversary will be one of itsit's kind in tel-aviv, itTel ,Aviv. It will be an organisationorganization that women will long to join and wish to be a member. But before then, my dear sisters, we must show the world that we are correct african stongAfrican strong, dedicated respecfulrespectful, talented and beautiful women. We will show them that irrespective of the work we all do here in israel Israel,that there is another side of us that is not yet unvel unveiled. So, my sister, if you have any presentation or any idea, or anything you will want to display that day to add mor flavoremore flavor to this grategreat occasion, please let the admins. Knowknow.
I must let you know that
accoundingaccording to our invitation, we will have a lot of dignitriesdignitaries, starting from the representatives, of the some of the africanAfrican countries, and the africanAfrican traditional rulers, and; also , members of the africans African Embassies here in Israel. I really fellfeel like this will enlighten us about all this so that we will know what is ahead of us. Befor iBefore I conclude, iI still want to remind us that our event will start by 1.30 that day. and weWe have three of our besties that we will celebrate there bithdaytheir birthdays so, remeberremember to buy a little present for them as our tradition requirerequires. Do jotnot forget that the people thatwe are celebrating isare our secretrysecretary, sister Nkechi, sister Onome, and sister Josephine . Let us shower them with our lovely presentpresents that day. RemenberRemember that what ever you do to your sister, another person will do the same to you. We, are the best and together we stand. Thank you all and have a nice day.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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