بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Monthly report for October
From day oneDay One up to dayDay 13 of the month
ConductConducted more than 20 interviews for our vacancyvacancies in the area of Khartoum and Oderman
Day 14
StartStarted training program and product knowledge
Day 22
End of trainingthe training program
Day 23
Double visits to the area of Oderman
Day 24
Office day
Day 25
Day off from the company
Day 26
StartStarted campaign in Khartoum center dermaCenter Derma hospital
And the diabetes center in Khartoum bahhriBahhri
Day 27
Office day training with dr .hatimeDr. Hatime
Day 29
Visit to the royal care hospitalRoyal Care Hospital and banonBanon center
During this month, conducting sales calledcalls for this account with the order
Asia hospitalHospital
Royal care hospitalCare Hospital
Alwasila pharmacy
Omersawe hospital
Issues we face:
1. fieldField force of sealssales team
The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.