Exciting new possibilities for measurement are present today coming fromas a result of imaging. However, these techniques still need to prove themselves. Our study sets a series of values that can be used as a reference for studies performed by other methods.
It is a fact that endoscopic carpal tunnel release is generally conducted without any concern for the tunnel’s capacity. Kamolz stated that a dorsopalmar diameter of 8mm or less is a contraindication to endoscopic carpal tunnel release.‬‬‬‬ In the smallest sample of our series, that parameter was 8.31mm.
Notwithstanding, we agree that endoscopic carpal tunnel release techniques may pose a problem in small tunnels, and, therefore, it would be advisable to investigate its dimensions prior to the intervention, especially in small female patients.
Therefore, this study aimed to perform a morphological analysis of the carpal tunnel by direct measurements of casts obtained from the carpal tunnel of fresh cadavers and to compare the data with the ones currently available in the literature, to investigate the shape of the carpal tunnel and the location of its narrowest area, to set a guide
line for endoscopic carpal tunnel release, and to establish a set of values capable of serving as a reference for other studies and for the development of new release instrumentation.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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