• Intake of foods with low FODMAP limitlimits the absorption of carbohydrates
• Lower gas production
equalequals low bloating
• The diet
cutcuts back colonic agitation and lowers gas production
• lowers• Lowers the serum levels, promoting cell development and differentiation
• lowering• Lowering fecal bacteria, depletes fecal bacteria, such as actinobacteria
In this slide
, I will continue talking about how the recommendation can be used to improve patient outcomes. .Diet is one of the mitigation measures required to improve patient outcomes. Consumption of foods containing high FODMAPs increases the water content in the bowel because the short-chain carbohydrates are not properly absorbed by the ileum. A diet containing low FODMAPs reduces the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome by lowering the serum levels of proinflammatory interleukins 6 and 8, and depletes fecal bacteria such as actinobacteria and fecal bacterium prausnitzii.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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