To whom it may concern,

It is with a feeling of excitement and happiness that I am writing this email.

, it has been a difficult time for my wife, (Kathleen Depoorter)Kathleen Depoorter, which is actually the reason why I am writing this letter. I have surprised her with a holiday in MexcicoMexico for just over a week and. I have been planning this for quite some time.

Unfortunately, I have been down with a
serversevere illness, which makes it diffucultdifficult, if not impossible, for me to work.
all this time, my wife was, not only, my sole caretaker but alsoand a full timefull-time working spouse.

For many months now, I have been saving up money to pay for her trip and
accommodationaccommodations, so she would be able to experience with all her senses the beauty and tranquillity of a beach resord togheterresort together with me.

ItI would make me feelbe extremely grateful, if you could help me to realise her dream and give my wife, some special attention, such as an upgrade to first class.
Although I am fully aware this is an exceptional request, I
still hope
you are willing to present my wife with a gesture of goodwill and let my wifeher enjoy hera flight in the luxery of the first class luxury.

I wish to arrange everything well in advance of our trip to make this experience as
trouble freetrouble-free as possible. (Please note, that my wife dodoes not like to be in the spotlight, she is actually quite shy.)
Our flight data are
TB 353
: 11/03/2022
Depart Depar: 08:00

Let me assure that this would make her (and
I)me) extremely happy and it could be seen as a great gesture of on your part.

I am looking forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience and a positive reply from you would be highly appreciated.

Sincerely Yours
Fred Sempels

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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