Hello, my name is keeirica Keeirica. I was born in Ga , but the military allowed me to live in many different states. I am ana junior here at Texas a&mA&M. I recently got back from arman jordanAmman, Jordan, where I worked as an overseas contractor helping to support our troops during their deployment. Prior to that, I worked in corrections. I’ve worked with juveniles as well as adult inmates. Working in corrections provoked me to get ana degree in criminal justice . I love making positive changes as well as enforcing the laws law. My goal this semester is to gain more knowledge and skills, that I can utilize in the future. In the future I plan on becoming ana private investigator. One fact about myself is, if something doesn’t “sit right”, I will figure it out ! I’m never at peace without proper closuresclosure. I usually figure out any problem that needs to be solved, except for math related problems! I feel as if this will help my future career. I’m very excited about taking this class!

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