I believesbelieve that to be appreciated fully , movies hashave to be seen a theatre on a big screen in a theatre. There isare many reasons why other moviegoersmovie-goers and I feelsfeel this way. In many cases, a blockbuster movie’s sound or its other special effects requiresrequire a theatre screening if the movie is to achieve its full impact for viewers. Even movies that hashave no special effect benefitsbenefit from being seen on a large screen. There is something about sitting with other people in a darkened theatre that the audience responds to in a special way. I hashave a good friend who disagreedisagrees with me. He, along with others, argue that the price of going to see movies areis too high. Too often, people in the audience makesmake noise and have conservationsconversations during the screening. Even worse, my friend saysays, viewers feel that isit is acceptable to go in and out of the theatre whenever they chooseschoose. These distractions makesmake it hard to concentrate on the movie.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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