2020 was a game changer that transformed the landscape for most of us. What was truly transformed, wasn’t simply about people coping, but those who were seizing opportunities and bringing much-needed creativity &and resourcefulness ininto their lives and ininto the eco-systemeco-systems they thrive in. The Leadership Learning Services too reinvented itself too – through its various service initiatives and repositioning itself as a key driver of organisational change, cultural realignment, upskilling &and resilience.

We are now just one click away…
do log in to the portal of Leadership Learning Services (LLS) by clicking on the link. The portal is a one stopone-stop shop that contains the constituents of the LLS Function. Who we are? What we do? What do we have to offer? At the same time, at the heart of LLS is the human connectedness, and for some things, you can always connect with us via phone or email.
We look forward to a
fresh interaction with you on October 5th & 6th, 2021. Don’t miss out.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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