518 Windbrook Street

Millerton Vermont 05999

June 4
, 2018

Dear Sarah

, Cheryl and I are still planning to come up to your house at the end of the month. All three of us look forward to the quiet calm atmosphere of the country.

When we checked with Dad about being away at the end of June
, he said “I really wish I could take my vacation then!”

“To go with us?” I asked.

“No” he said
, “to stay home to enjoy the silence!”

We all laughed.

By the way
, our address is 518 Windbrook Street Millerton Vermont, not 815. However, our town is so small that the address hardly matters; we got your note anyway.

We can’t wait to see you
, your family and (of course) the horses!

Sincerely yours

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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