I’ve just heard the news that the FDA has fully approved the Pfizer Covid-19COVID-19 vaccine for people 16 years and older. It’s certainly good news that the FDA has officially announced that the mRNA-based Covid-19COVID-19 shot is safe enough to get vaccinated for people as young as 16 years old vaccinated. Since Covid-19COVID-19 vaccines were only permitted only for emergency use, that shows itthem to be highly effective at preventing symptomatic Covid-19COVID-19 and mitigating the spread of the virus. Many public officials are hoping it will encourage hesitant people to get the shot. But, but I think there is more thanto it than that. Getting the shot is not only about the safety of the vaccine. As if the pandemic alone has not been enough to bring us all down, we’ve been going through a rough patch. We’ve made everything a political debate such(such as masking and Covid-19 vaccines thatCOVID-19 vaccines) a political debate, which has been affecting us makingour ability to make a decision. I think it's time we shouldn’t waste morestopped wasting time taking sides. We just need to take action for the sake of family, friends, and country. It might be difficult getting back to the normal life that we had before, but if you can do your part like(like getting the shot, masking up, and following the FDA rulerules for mitigating the spreadspread), we can embrace our "new normal" era earlier than we expect.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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