Hello Mr. Mohammed,
the last meeting in 9th/Aug/2021on 9th August 2021 we are askasked you about something.
Hurrya STR
SIP trunk
Reference numbers
Account statement
costCost new HQ
Upgrade for 2 HQ
youYou sent for the reference numbers , thank you.

aboutAbout Hurrya STR /you are- you still don't give tohaven't given us any feedback
/ Just- just work locally in the same place
Account statement
/- you still don't sendhaven't sent it
costCost new HQ /- you still don't answerhaven't answered
Upgrade for 2 HQ
/- nothing has happened yet
aboutAbout the SIP:
I called the customer care and he
telltold me that my account is locallylocal because there's no point to point for internet data and iI have 4 IP addresses and can use one for the SIP account, but he can't do it by selfhimself - he needneeds a request from the account manager.

soSo, I called you today to send the request,
then I called the customer care again now to .... he told me there's no request from the account manager and your ticket was replied fromto by the technical team inon 16/8/2021.
( the(The customer should be changing some configuration and he needneeds to take it from his account manager .)

Thank you

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