It is common knowledge that mutations of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are hardly improved. From the genomic standpoint, iPSCs are in unique cell status with the aging mechanism pluripotent properties, because they have many mutations or epigenetic modifications. We reported that hsa-miR-520d-5p (520d-5p) reverted fibroblast to mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) level and tended to convert approximately half of mutations in cancer cells to wild-type. In this study, using next-generation sequencing (NGS) analysis, regarding 177 genes involved in hair life cycle, we examined that the change of mutation level between iPSCs and MSCs differentiation-induced from iPSCs as the effect induced by 520d-5p. The transfection by 520d induced 79.7% (141 out of 177) of hair cycle-related genes the genetic improvement in 17.7% (25 out of 141) of genes was completely reverted to the wild-type nucleotide by 520d-5p. Conversion rate of all genes was in an average of 54.4%. We found that 520d-5p induced genes, including the function of DP cells or bulge stem cells, closer to intact status. The dramatic sequence changes and effects were not limited to the 520d-target genes, but extended to non-target genes as well. This molecule may be useful for the understanding of the hair or scalp conditioning, and applicable for therapy against aging or hair diseases such as alopecia.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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