This question the stages to conduct based on the population, Intervention/Exposure, Comparator and Outcome (PICO/PECOP) framework.

1-1 - Which ARGs are most present after chlorination?

2-2 - The maximum and minimum effect of chlorine dose on ARGs?ARGs.

3-3 - Optimal chlorine contact time to Inactiveinactive or limit ARGs?ARGs.

1. This systematic review will be conducted following summarizedsummarizing the steps outlined in Fig. 1

Fig. 1 summarizing the steps of the systematic review process.

For this study, studies and articles are considered in which the
effecteffects of chlorine on ARGs are investigated. Resource searches are based on published reviews on the topic and suggestions from expert team members in at least four areas, including electronic databases, grey literature, related websites, and contact with the authors. The electronic database includes Scopus, Pubmed,PubMed and Embase. First, a pre-search was performed to examine the approximate number of articles in this field. The articles obtained at this stage were reviewed quantitatively and qualitatively. Also, search terms were identified. After consultation and discussion with team members, Searchsearch strings were revised.

. Search terms were searched in the Scopus based on “TITLE-ABS-KEY”,
PubmedPubMed based on “MeSH” and in the Embase based on “EMTREE”.

For three levels, two team members do the screening.

- Properties and characteristics of the
Drinkingdrinking water sources (Physical(physical, chemical, and biological quality)

- Type of
Waterwater and waste water treatment systems

- Study design

- Type of chlorine compounds and dose of chlorine

- Monitoring duration

Sampling methods

- Statistical and analytical methods

- Laboratory methods for detection and measuring ARGs

- Type of ARGs

This study could play an important role in elucidating chlorine disinfection on ARGs. It can provide relevant information in the field of proper disinfection of drinking water, especially for optimally removing ARGs for health experts.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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