Hi, I’m Jino.

I’m the organizer of a group called the Product World in Korea.

Every two weeks, we research global startups to acquire knowledge
aon each market’s enviromentenvironment, trandtrends, and understand the business.

weWe use slackSlack as a tool forto communicate and also discuss, based on our business research .

, I didn't ask for it, but Slack extended the free trial period so I was using it comfortably, but the current free trial period has all expired.

It is a group that was created to study
businessbusinesses together for a non-profit purpose, so the financial situation is not sufficient. butBut also, Wewe are not an institution to apply for an education palnplan, so we are not eligible to apply.

We are passed the hat around $5 monthly dues for each member
Currently, it is a little difficult to pay because we do not have the money saved, but we started to passedpass the hat around $5 monthly dues for each member to pay for the tools we needed for our community.

We would be so grateful if you cancould extend the free preiodtrial period.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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