I am Ahmed fawziFawzi, and I studedstudied at khartoum uneversity , my workeKhartoum University. My work is in leather craft ,
The start was
I started
after I graduated. afterAfter one month unemployof unemployment, I thought, but alhamdulelah, I could work aas a driver in a pharmacy company for awile cuse likea while because, you know ,in this cuntrycountry you can't be un employ unemployed.
, from when isince I was a kid, i loveI loved things that were hand made , so my start in craft worke litle bitt weard , i startcraftwork was a little bit weird. I started all of this work just causebecause, some day, i wontI might want a leather pag ,but my worke judge tobag. My work took me to go tothe Omdorman market , and then I knowknew and learnelearned a lot about leather and the tools ... that i needwhat I needed at workework, and then I go andwent to learn from youtubeYoutube about craftcrafts and dolearned what iI needed to learn. , inIn the startbeginning, all of my tring's was fale afcurse ,afterefforts failed, of course. After that, i workI worked as an accountant
in a poultry company. ,then i beI was convinced the jobe willthat the job would not make me rich , so I went back to my village to workework as a farmer. afcurseOf course, after long falelots of failed tries in leather desings idressings, I startstarted to becom abeter , and litlebecome better. Little by litle startlittle, I started to do orders for other'sother people’s alhamdulelah.
i face somr dificulty I faced some difficulty, ,most of it the experience was good. ,toolsTools ,,and material's , materials are not always found in sudanSudan ,so i doI did my work with tools that were not necessarily meant for this jobe the job.
impetions wasintentions were too many and propaply notto properly count. , oneOne of itmy goals was to devolpedevelop my self and my workework, but the first and most important dream iswas to compitition the worde withecreate some competition with our own sudanesSudanese products, and stop inportimporting from the out side ,andworld. I wanted to increase export for other'sto the rest of the world, and the madeitems that were “made in sudanSudan” could be aroundavailable around the worlde world.
What am
I gonagoing to say to the youth dontis - don’t stop working on your dream and workebe sure to work hard. , and tierdeTry for it untileuntil you reach it, and allwasalways say to your self (letto let your worke talkingwork talk about you)you.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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