Dear teacher,

am writing this article to respond whatto the question of my opinion and themy feelings that I Felt throughin the lastpast days when I saw a lot of diversity advertisementsadvertisements on diverse topics around the schools .
, in my opinion, it is beautiful to see that it’s is awareness studentthe schools are raising students' awareness and givegiving them knowledge
of thing
about things they didn’t know.

And I will mention some of exampleexamples that I saw it in the schools and thatwhat attracted me :-
1-1-The first one is about to growing love tofor your country and bebeing proud because you’re born in it and how to help your country bywith all source that’sthe resource that are in ur hand
our hands.
second one is about technology and how that changeit has changed our lives, our visions and our world and how we can avoid the consequences if we don’t useof not using it inonly on good things
third one is about saving the water and the
electricity and how to limit our uses to save amountwater to help us in the emergency situations .

Most ofMany people seeing thisthese advertisements :may think they are pointless. ,peoplePeople will not take the advice from it theythem. They will just laugh and gowalk away , will ignore it and
so on

In conclusion
, as I said it beforepreviously, everything in this life havehas a reason. thereThere is not a thing that does not havinghave a reason. ...likeThe goal of the advertisements in the schools the goal of it :is to putraise awareness and deliver a massage or ideamessages and ideas that makingbring a knowledge inand thought to the studentsstudents' minds it’sand have an effect on their minds. after theyAfter this, some of us will dofollow the adviseadvice that they take itreceived from thatthe advertisements.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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