Thesis: Many factors contribute to teenage pregnancy and mothers and older sisters are the main sources of family influence on teenage pregnancy.
Introduction: Have you ever stopped
and thoughtto think about the way poverty affects teenagers or how high the rate is in Kingston Jamaica.Jamaica? According to the world health organization youthfulWorld Health Organization, youth pregnancies are a world that happenshappen a lot in low income and poor nations. Around the world, pre-adult pregnancies mostly happen in smaller communities that are in need of facilities and lack business placesbusinesses. I will be carrying out this research to see how best I can find out more about my topic and the reasons behind it.
The History
behindBehind the Issue:

Research shows that the rate of
getting pregnantpregnancy amongst youth between the ages of 14 and 19 for
with the slightest oneone or more seasoned sister havingolder sister(s) who had a high school pregnancy werewas 3.38 (99% CL2. 77 4.13) times higher than for ladiesfemales whose more seasonedolder sister(s) did not have an adolescent pregnancy. Young girls of momsmothers who had to begin with atheir first child sometime recentlyaround age 20, had a 1.57 (99% CL 130-189) times higher chanceschance of pregnancybecoming pregnant than those whose momsmothers had, there, to begin with, atheir first child after age 19. The Instructiveinstructive accomplishment was balanced for in a subpopulationsubpopulation when analyzing the chances of pregnancy between ages 16 and 19. After this afternoonage, the chanceschance of young pregnancy for youngsters'youth with sisters who had an adolescent pregnancy werewas decreased to 2.48 (99% CL 2.01-3.06) and the chanceschance of pregnancy for adolescent girls of young moms weremothers was diminished to 1.39 ( 99% CL 7.15- 1 .68).

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