Dear Teachers,
I am writing this letter to
thanksthank you for your presence and help during thosethese past two years.
I sincerely enjoyed the
momentmoments I have passed here at North East Forestry University. For a beginning in China, I think Linda was the best place for me to learn how to live is in chinain China and more importantimportantly, to learn how to speak Chinese mandarinMandarin Chinese.
As you can understand
, this letter is also a way for me to say goodbye,. I actually I don’t know how to express this feeling of separation, but I have to. Linda brought a lot of things in my life; I got new friends, new opportunities and more. But sometimes live don’tlife doesn’t behave as we want. So, after a long discussion with my family, it has been decided that I have to go and try to find a university whothat will be more convenient to my actuallyactual situation. The reason I can tell you is that this year was not easy for everyone I know, but at specialespecially me. I gothave some personal problems whothat have obliged to choose thata new path.
Therefore, I just
wantedwant to take the time to express my appreciation for all of the support and guidance you have provided me over the past two years.
When I began studying here, I was fresh out of my country and had no idea how live
is in China. With your mentoringmentorship, however, I have reached a step that help me to live in chinaChina almost as Chinese. Words cannot express my appreciation for your support, as you helped turn me into the good studentstudent that I am today.
I wish you and everyone here at Linda continued success, and I sincerely hope we can stay in touch.
With gratitude,

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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