Сhurch must be pure and holy, because God wants it to be so., Jesus it is, the head of the Church and we, all his followers, are the spiritual body.
It's very important for church to be pure and holy
, because it'sit represents of holy and pure God, every part of the body must match each other, and we must obey what Jesus taught us to do and put it into the action (mercy, forgiveness and others).
havehas a great mission-mission; to teach us and connectedconnect us with God, because head-head Jesus leads us to this aim.
This person who created this platform "World English Institute" and all teachers here, are making great
missionmissions for us, learners. Because we not only learn only language, we are discovering or remembering very important things about God and His Sonhis son.
This lesson
telltells us about "Great Commission"," and thanks for that, now we have the opportunity to know about Jesus and his self-sacrifice for us. And because Hishis apostles had been doing their best, now we have so many CristiansChristians. So, let's pass this teaching further!
Jesus gave us the "Great Commission" because he loves us all very much. "Great Commission" is a request to his apostles to go and to teach all people all over the world about God's Kingdom and about
Hishis love tofor us. He wanted to give the opportunity to reach Heavenheaven for all nations, for all people-people; educated and uneducated, for poor and rich.
So that is why the Son of God handed us the "New Testament"
throughtthrough his apostles. Jesus comecame on the earth to save us all and Hehe wanted us to know that, and about his pure love to us. That is why, we must to pass Jesus' teaching to our children and to the next generation.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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