The Admissions Officer Lily Grande Cancer Centre 1 London Bridge Road London,EC1 3GL ------------------------------01/04/20 ------------------------------Dear Sir/Madam ------------------------------
Re : Ms Felicity Reeves ------------------------------Ms Felicity Reeves was diagnosed ofwith stage 3three oesophageal cancer and she is being refferedreferred to your facility for urgent evaluation and treamenttreatment. ------------------------------Her background history reveals that she was diagnosed forwith OCD since 2015, and it was managed with talking thearapiesby doing therapy. Upon admission at Finchmed hospital, she was presenting with a history of difficutiesdifficulties in swallowing for the past 6six to 7seven months, as well as intense gnawing pain immediately below the sternum. On palpation, there was tenderness on the epigastric region. Her joints appeared to be prominent with evidence of muscle wasting. Ms. Reeves seemed to be distressed. She also verbalised weight loss that isof 5kgs within a period of 2two months. Her vitals observations were onin normal range and heshe is overweight for her age, with a BMI of 30. ------------------------------Socially , she is married with 3three children. Ms. Reeves havehas a positive history for lung, esophageal, and breast cancer within the family. She takesdrinks approximately 10 glasses of wine on a weekly basis, and also she stated that she has been smoking cigarrettescigarettes for the past 13 years. ------------------------------Currently, she was managed with intravenous oxycodone 1mg/mi in 0,9% saline , 5% dextrose or water when ever needed. ------------------------------In view of the above, she might benefit from urgent radiotherapy treatment and surgery. ------------------------------Find attached,are her results for endoscopy, barriumbarium swallow, and biopsy. ------------------------------
Kindly contact for further queries. ------------------------------Yours faithfully,
Charge Nurse.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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