Another study that investigated the Causescauses of death in long-term lung cancer survivors was done in Egypt by Omar abdel-rahman,Abdel-Rahman and published on 20/5/2017, the. The study involvesinvolved a small subgroup of people who have lung cancer but they are survivors and involved causes of death of this subgroup, aimed to find the cause of death in those patients. Data takenand the data was collected from 78,701 lung cancer patients withwho had outlived the diagnosis for more than 5 years, survival from (1988–2008), the data collectedin a period between 1988 and 2008. The research was based on the Kaplan–Meier analysis and the multivariate analysis, by usingand used a Cox proportional hazard model. The result of this cohort study showshowed that 54,488 patients survivingsurvived their illness for 5–10 years and 24,213 patients survivingsurvived for >10 years. In the first subgroup, 21.8% were death because ofdied of their lung cancer, and 6.8% were death because ofdied due to a cardiac disease. In second subgroup, 12% were death becausedied of lung cancer, while 6.9% were deathdied because of a cardiac disease. OnThe multivariate analysis there isshowed that some factors affect longerthe cardiac-disease survival likelength: white race p = .005, female gender p < .0001, right-sided disease p = .003.

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