Required Documents For Visa
Individual Visa-Teachers and Staff (New or Renewal)
1. Original Passport
2. Emirates ID Coloured Copy
3. One new photo (White Background)
Dependents Visa (New Or Renewal)
1. Original Passport (Sponsor)
2. Original Emirates ID (Sponsor)
3. Passport and Visa or Emirates ID- Husband or wife (Scanned Coloured Copy)- For Children’s Visa Only
4. Original Passports Dependents (if the present in UAE)
5. Children’s Birth Certificate- Original or Scanned (UAE Foreign Affairs Attested)
6. Marriage Certificate- Original or Scanned (UAE Foreign Affairs Attested)
7. Tenancy Contract if own- Original or Scanned (Municipality Attested)
8. One new photo- Dependents(WhiteDependents (white background)
9. Medical Insurance- Dependents (if thethey have-Scanned Coloured Copy)
10. Emirates ID Coloured Copy if you have -DependentsDependents
The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.