My rock,
It’s been three weeks and I still have the same knotted feeling in my stomach. It feels so unreal
, like you’re going to call me tomorrow and say, “hey“Hey ma! Haven’t heard from you in a few days,” but it’s real and I sooo hard to accept. My best friend is really gone and nothing is the same. Watching the game without you, yelling at the tvTV at every mistake made, or going to do things you liked to do, like washing the cars on a pretty day like today. And now I’m forced to face the fact that I depended on you for EVERYTHING. I get lost going some where and I want to call you because you always knew exactly where I was with only a short description. My car key is dead and I can’t change it because you always did it for me. My car needs to go back ininto the shop, but where do I begin? Just Eveneven getting through aan emotional day is 10x’s10 times harder without you. But I only hope that you’re hugging Mommamomma tight right now and walking beside her. No more pain. Love and miss you soooo much!!!

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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