I believe a woman should dress appropriately with her body covered, and this is a viewedview held by me through my religious believes butbeliefs. But then again, a woman has the right to dress the way she wants and the right to feel safe doing it. As I stated in class, dressingsdressing, as some persons would say, half-naked, doesn’t’tdoesn’t give a man consent to rape a woman, ornor does it entice him either, persons. People dress in full clothing and are still raperaped. I tend not to get involved in these types of conversations because they anger me as the rights of the person/s are being violated.
Mr Maynard presented to us
with three (3) different case studies in which we were placed into groups. and eachEach group received a case to discuss and to honestly state our views on the case. The case my group received to read and discuss was based on an issue that is very sensitive and causes somecaused a great deal of anger within me. The case study was about a man who is a child molester, who is being introduced back into society after being incarcerated. He is placed in the near proximity of a day-care center as he tries to adapt back to life on the outside. Each person was asked by Mr Maynard how they felt about such an individual being introduced back into society and how one would one feel working with them.
Honesty being the best policy, I stated clearly I would not be able to work with the
individualsindividual because of the situation. I don’t know how I would relate to such a person being in front of me, knowing how I feel about the situation.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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