1. revengeRevenge for the Khasair that the crusaders were subjected to by the Muslims and the evidence of my words the existence of the Crusades on weapons used; 2. hatred and hatredHatred and betrayal of Muslims; 3. revivalRevival of an old battle ended with the victory of the Muslims; 4. Islamophobia; 5. wanted ArbaabTargeted Arab Muslims in their mosques; 6. beganBegan a new era isof the era of cold battleCold War; 7. The weakness of Islam and the spirit of words and the defense of some countries about the disgraceful situation; 8. Attacker wantswanted to deliver a message to every Muslim that there are remnants of the Crusaders; 9. Attacker with radical thinking and chose Islam to draw attention and chose ona Friday to magnify this day among Muslims; 10. This is called terrorism,. God will triumph over Islam and Allah will provide rest for all who are martyred.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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