Dear Valued Customer,

It is with great regret that I
have received your complaint regarding the delay in connecting your BT Openreach service to your block, and it surprises me that such an unfortunate incident has happened to one of our valued customers.

I can’t describe to you how sorry and shocked I am to know about this. Peabody owes you its deepest apologies. We take pride in our customer satisfaction
, and these delaydelays are not in line with our philosophy.
A lot of time has been invested to determine the root cause of this error
, and my team and I have reached the conclusion that this was mainly the result of [due to a hold up withof permission to lay duct across the Sam king walkKing Walk for the new duct to be laid, permit agreed upon by Southwark for 6/2/19 and 27 metres to dig up offor new duct to be laid in 2two sections of Elmington roadRoad, permit agreed upon for 9/2/19.] Of course, none of this is your fault.

Following my visit to
the site this afternoon, I have been updated that the engineers will be completefinished no later than Monday 4th March 2019.

If you would like to order your phone line
(Landline)(landline), you can do so fromthis coming Monday. Hyperopic should follow shortly, although they have carried out most of their work already.

hopeHope this helps to provide you with further information, if. If you would like to discuss any of the points raised in more detail. Please, please do not hesitate to contact me using the contact details below.

Again, I am sorry once again for the experience you received with the service we have provided service.

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and for the opportunity to resolve

Best Regards

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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