Audrey told us she was getting married in June.
I promise I will not raise property taxes, Karen Jackson told voters last night.
The coursescourse's new reading list includes John CheeversCheever's The Swimmer and Albert Camus The Guest.
The crowd could not resist booing when the mayor announced, "There is nothing I can do until I receive a final ruling from the court that says, Youyou can proceed."
Did you read Jane MantonsManton's story We CantCan't Go On?
Carlos favorite songs are SinatrasSinatra's My Way and MadonnasMadonna's Like a Virgin.
FranksFrank's comments included the remark, Were"We're going to see if heshe's willing to help us."
Building a New World is the first essay in our textbook.
ImI'm going to retire, Tom Watson told us, reminding us of his promise. I will step aside as soon as my daughtersdaughter's internship is completed.
Tom told us, Were going to invest when all the economistseconomist's predictions give us a clear picture where to spend our clientsclient's money.
The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.