Without any doubt, television is the central and principal form of communication in many people’s lives, and it also it was the first invention created for entertaining people'speople before the advent of the Internet and phones, but. But people startstarted saying that television has a negative impact, especially on children and teenager , althoughteenagers. Although they may be right, but television has a good influenceinfluences that will overcome the bad ones.
The first First, people say that some channels on television showsshow immoral programs that may destroy the moral values of the society and negatively affect the children , and this will arisecreate an immoral generation, although. Although this may be true, but now a days there is a new system called censorship, this. This system ensures that the nonethicalnon-ethical things that may affect the values of the community will not showsshow on the television, ,and the channel that displays these things will be held accountable by law. The secondSecond, Peoplepeople claim that some channels on television shows theshow scenes of violence, and the most affected are children if they see it. , childrenChildren not only see channels that contain programs appropriate to their age but they also see shows that contain a violenceviolent content that is not very recommendable , because thissince these channels encourage them to violencebe violent and aggressionuse aggressive behavior from the violencethose scenes. , and thisAnd these scenes willcan turn them into a violent kidspeople in the future if the children keep watching it, howeverthat type of content. However, this may be true, but parents should also be more careful and aware of what their children are watching on TV, for. For example, watching useful and educational programs with their children enhances their education and knowledge, and these programs are usually more popular than programs that encourage violence and hostile behavior. , soSo the problem is not about the television, but it is about the parents who do not know what theirthey’re watching.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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