Dear doctor stacey:Dr. Stacey,
I write this letter to inform you that I am pleased that you would choose me to present tat your conference. ItsIt's a great compliment.
There are several cases whichthat I can sitecite. I would like your recommendation because I know you will be frank with me. We must always be discretediscreet and conscious of patientspatients' rights when presenting cases relating to their conditions. We must remain mindful that patients have their legal rights. I have the following x rayx-ray studies which I can include: Pxiphoidxiphoid process, greater trochanter, peritoneal abscess, left calcaneus, fracture of right clavicle, and a fractured ilium and ischium.
Let me know which of these roentgenology studies you would prefer.
Please advise me on how to proceed.
Sincerely yours ,
Dr. Shania mcwalterMcWalter
The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.