There are massive leather armchairs in englishthe English style, small round wooden tables and muffled lightlow lighting at our bar. ItThere is a quiet and homehomey atmosphere here.
There are 8 tables distributed onto 2 waiters and 8 bar stools at the bar. Waiters obeyWait staff are managed by the supervisor.
I plan to live in Novgorod. I love my country and the family whichthat lives in Russia. I have a mother and a grandmother, theywho are old and need my help. So, iI want to live in themy homeland.
I like going to gothe park with my friends in park, gogoing to the cinema, rideriding a bicycle or read thereading a new book.
I plan to work from 3 to 5 years in thefor a cruise company between 3 to 5 years. I want to earn money for an apartment and a car. Then, iI dream about having children and a family of my own. But who knows how it will
My parents support me in everything. They will be glad if you takehire me to work.
The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.