I have been listening to your station since 2006. Yesterday, I could not believe my ear everyears. Every day, I willwould listen to your station at my work place, but yesterday I could not believe how low these shows on your nation have reachreached. I listen to your station in my office and my co-workers could not believe the callerscallers' behavior, may. May I state that I am a Trinidadian living in North America, tryand I tried calling the show but it was over by the time I get through. got through? Please note that I listen to other stations, but I must be honest that yours is the worseworst with the callers calling in. On the other stationstations, they cut them off, but on your station, they are allowed to go on for sometimes more than ten (10) minutes . I ask myself from time to time is thif this is for real. DoDoes the talk show host that you have on your station realize that your station is carried all over the world and some of us, because of the time difference we, will be listening from our offices?

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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