For the culminating experience , the children got to make their very own Police officerOfficer Badges in the shape of a star. theThe reason the children chose to make a badge out of star is because some of the badges that the Policepolice officers have in real life, look just like a star. theThe children had a cookie cutter shaped as a star on the table for them, ifin case they wanted to trace it to help them make their badges, some. Some of them did trace it, and one of the children first had to useused the cookie cutter to make her first badge, by tracing it and the second badge she made, she was able to make itthe second badge on her own, without the cookie cutter. Their were 5 children who wanted to make a police officer badge, the 5 children are were: Mary, Emilia, Klara, Ayla and Gia, these. These are the five girls who wanted to gradurategraduate to became a police officer, and. And so they did, once they made their own star badges.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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