When they describe our main focus they say that it is about the environment and natural resources. They could be correct, but it is almost like it is publicized this way to give us a good image and look good to the general public, but we have skipped over some of the details and jumped to the conclusion. At UNBC we have failed to make biking to school easy and accessible, there is even a rule about riding bikes on and around campus which discourages users to bike to school. Our winters are snowy and cold which can sometimes complicate biking to school, but we haven’t thought about an alternative either. Maybe a solution could be having smaller electric busesbusses that were more convenient to take. One of the major issues with the bus route in PG is that it is hard to access and takes a long time to get to your final destination. What if we could create smaller busses that are controlled by an app that lets you put your schedule in and collects data and information from others nearby and it comes and picks you up along with others and takes you straight

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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