In life, we all have to go through a journey. eEach one of us starts at a different point. Some of us are born with talent, while others have talent that they might not know abofut andbut is recognized later in life.
What grabbed my attention was when Natasha, in poetry class, asked her professor in poetry class if she had any talent in writing,. hHe replied, “Probably not.” When students are looking for guidance, it is up to the professor to help them. If something is negative, it should also be approached in a positive way. You have to let sthudemnts know what mistakes they have made and what changes they can make to improve. A student should not be discouraged from doing something. Sometimes, speaking to a student in a negative way impacts them mentally;. tThey might get depressed, which can starts to affect their grades, or they might end up giving up, and decide to drop out. Even though Natasha's professor was negative, she still didn’t get discouraged, but some people are not like Natasha, and they end up giving up. But she had a positive attitude and went to a poetry workshop following that year.
The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.