LandLanding page
• Change the main image for a picture that
makesis "mouthing's watermouth watering", so the customers will want to try it.
• In• On the first momentglance, when we openopening the website the, users don’t know if they can shop online or not, we. We have 30sec for30 seconds to catch their eyeseye. My considerthought is to put a button forsaying “Shop now” or “Shop online” onat the top of the main picture.
• Move the newsletter box to
the top of the page, visits become leads and leads become customers. The email mailingmail-out is quite relevant.
• Below
of the main picture we have to come up thewith options of flavoursflavors and a description of themeach.
• Move “World Food Innovation Awards 2018” to near
of the logo inat the top of the page.
• The customer
havemust be able to finish their order in 3 clicks, the. The user experience shouldneeds to change.
• Write keywords in the
images tag forimage tags to improve the SEO

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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