Common mistakes in English

在过去这些年里,我们已经处理了数以百万计的文字校对纠正工作。这里,我们展示一些我们已经发现的部分常见错误列表。 该列表根据我们在习语纠正过程中错误出现的频率进行排序。 由于隐私方面的考虑,该列表并未将全部常见错误列入其中。

位置 之前 之后
#101 form from
#102 and an
#103 that it
#104 with in
#105 of from
#106 to into
#107 your you
#108 my the
#109 make makes
#110 in to into
#111 that this
#112 too to
#113 you you're
#114 time times
#115 the they
#116 where were
#117 of about
#118 want wanted
#119 life lives
#120 has been was
#121 the your
#122 Can Would
#123 or and
#124 do does
#125 works work
#126 for on
#127 and the The
#128 regards regard
#129 an and
#130 Just I just
#131 good well
#132 issue issues
#133 student students
#134 from of
#135 want wants
#136 your the
#137 needs need
#138 to the
#139 had has
#140 than then
#141 I I'm
#142 this it
#143 and so
#144 cost costs
#145 it it's
#146 it that
#147 their the
#148 into in
#149 to at
#150 is has been



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